Thursday, February 28, 2013

Now, that just seems cruel

So, I am doing my best to learn French. I listen to podcasts, I read textbooks, I watch Firefly in French. I am in chapter 12 of Harry Potter. Hogwarts is called Poudlard. I regularly scour the internet for activities and games.

As useful as the online activities are for practice, they are often most memorable for their glimpses into cultural differences. A lot can be learned by what photos are selected to represent "fat" or "ugly" in a photo-matching game. Even more can be learned from the apparently necessary racial differences in photos of "lawyers" versus "thieves." And then today I saw this:

At first glance, this is clearly a page about maladies... more specifically bad things that can happen to your skin. There are pimples, warts, corns, contusions, cuts, and bruises. And then there is the the third photo in the top row of the rather smug looking redhead. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with her. By process of elimination I determined what all of the other photos were, then I took the correct answer for the mystery photo and popped it into google translate.

So what is the mystery malady that belongs on a page with warts and flesh wounds?

Now, that just seems cruel. 

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